ALL Packages now include a 15 POUND PROMISE! See below for details.
ALL Packages now include a 15 POUND PROMISE! See below for details.
Chirothin Doctor Supervised Weight Loss: Lose 15-30 pounds in only 6 weeks!
No shakes or bars, just real food and real support.
Chirothin Doctor Supervised Weight Loss
We are happy to offer a weight loss program that works, has no bars or shakes, and is fully doctor supervised. I am so confident in this program that I am including a 15 POUND PROMISE with every package. If you follow the program and don’t lose 15 pounds in 6 weeks, you get another round FREE!
Click HERE to view a plethora of Before and After photos of patients who have changed their lives by getting thinner and healthier!
Some packages include the Zerona Laser, Sauna, and vibration plate therapy to help you lose even more. Check out information on the Zerona Laser below.
Just fill out the form to book a free consultation or to just find out more about the program. You can also click the button below to call us and we will be happy to help you start your weight loss journey!
Introducing the Zerona Cold Light Laser
Sometimes shedding those extra inches can be difficult. The Zerona laser is the first non invasive system designed to target fat cells without the side effects associated with surgery. The laser alters the membrane of the fat cell, allowing the fat to be released and then removed from the body. There is no heat, so there is no discomfort. All you have to do is rest on your back for 20 minutes, then on your stomach for 20 minutes while the laser does its work. In multiple double-blind, randomized clinical trials, the Zerona laser was shown to reduce the circumference of the waist, hip, and thighs by an average of 3.72 inches, in contrast to the placebo group, which only lost half an inch.
The Zerona is FDA approved for use on hips, waist, and thighs, as well as arms, chest, knees, ankles, back, and bra area. We recommend lifestyle changes as well, so that you can continue to enjoy the benefits once your sessions are complete.
To schedule your Zerona package or if you have any questions, call our office at 317-817-WELL(9355) or click here to be directed to our contact page.